Whole School Quality Circle Time

developed by Jenny Mosley, reputed UK-based teacher-educator author, drama-therapist

An Ecosystemic Approach to nurture a school culture that is
positive and caring towards all stakeholders.

Do you want all your students to...

  • to be confident, well-adjusted, positive individuals?
  • to be sensitive, thoughtful, considerate people?
  • to have good speaking, listening and problem-solving skills?
  • to have excellent work ethic and team spirit?

Do you want all your teachers to…

  • to feel good about themselves and each other?
  • be enthusiastic and confident about their daily responsibilities?
  • have a gentle but firm manner when interacting with students
  • have excellent speaking, listening and problem-solving skills?
  • be role models in terms of collaborative spirit?

As a school leader are you concerned about the need for

  • less aggression and violent behaviour?
  • nurturing skills for personal success amongst young people?
  • developing authentic community and citizenship values?

So how can these vital, multiple needs be met in a meaningful way, focussing equally on children’s academic learning needs and their social and emotional development?

One holistic, highly effective approach, which has been used by hundreds of schools across India for over 20 years is Jenny Mosley’s Whole School Quality Circle Time (QCT). The Teacher Foundation (TTF) is the sole accredited training provider for Jenny Mosley Consultancies, UK. TTF has trained thousands of teachers across India on QCT.

Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic are the traditional 3 Rs of education. A fourth equally important R is Relationships and Circle Time fosters this R by enhancing self-esteem, emotional intelligence and team or group work skills of students and teachers in schools.

Quality Circle Time in a Nutshell

Circle Time entails:

  • the whole class sitting in a circle, non-hierarchical and inclusive
  • children using skills of speaking, listening, looking, thinking and concentrating, learning relationship skills, assertive communication
  • cooperative games, rounds, drama techniques, puppet play and discussions
  • promotion of trust, respect, empathy and understanding
  • exploring issues relating to personal, social, ethical and health education
  • enhanced self-esteem, emotional intelligence and team or group work skills of students and teachers in schools
  • emotional ‘safety’ for the whole class
  • all participants respectful of each other
Quality Circle Time in a nutshell
After QCT, what next?
Safe and Sensitive School Certification

Any school that has trained all its teachers in Quality Circle Time can choose to be certified by The Teacher Foundation in collaboration with Jenny Mosley Consultancies UK as a Safe and Sensitive School, based on a set of normative guidelines and support. This certification will be applicable for a period of 3 years after which the school can apply for a re-accreditation. Know more about Safe and Sensitive Schools.


Need more info?
Call us or send an inquiry
+91 95918 24944 +91 98863 78727


Magic! Method! Mastery!

3Ms guide and drive the work that we do at TTF! It’s Magic, Method and Mastery. These 3 words encapsulate the spirit of TTF. As we interact with ever more schools and teachers, we constantly endeavour to keep TTF’s spark alive and glowing – spreading light, insight and warmth.

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On average, a teacher teaches at least forty children every year. Over a 25 year career, that is one thousand children. That means, when we enable and inspire ONE teacher, we touch over ONE THOUSAND lives. So contribute to ONE teacher’s training and touch the lives of a thousand children!

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