About Us


To make schools enabling environments for all students by empowering educators to become energetic, effective, reflective practitioners and life-long learners.

At The Teacher Foundation, we have long been concerned that changing teaching-learning practices is seen as a daunting task by most schools and teachers. The single pivotal cause of this problem is the way we perceive students and how they learn.

In our country, we continue to largely view students as entities who need to be educated through compliance and conformity. Students are therefore required to do exactly what is asked of them and any deviance from this is discouraged or even punishable.

Teachers, sadly, are as much victims of this system as they are perpetrators. There aren’t many opportunities for teachers in India to grow professionally and personally.

Teachers need training, hand-holding and active support to become brave counter-forces who can transform schools into gentler, more sensitive learning environments. We need to create non-threatening, collaborative and participatory learning environments where the teachers’ existing skills are upgraded, honed and even transformed.

At TTF, we believe that if we truly wish to change the way we teach, we have to change the way teachers themselves learn and the way they relate to students and each other in our schools.

TTF offers teachers forums and experiences that are friendly yet challenging, where they can discuss issues and share ideas, insights and imponderables.

TTF Timeline

Need more info?
Call us or send an inquiry
+91 95918 24944 +91 98863 78727


Magic! Method! Mastery!

3Ms guide and drive the work that we do at TTF! It’s Magic, Method and Mastery. These 3 words encapsulate the spirit of TTF. As we interact with ever more schools and teachers, we constantly endeavour to keep TTF’s spark alive and glowing – spreading light, insight and warmth.

Support TTF

On average, a teacher teaches at least forty children every year. Over a 25 year career, that is one thousand children. That means, when we enable and inspire ONE teacher, we touch over ONE THOUSAND lives. So contribute to ONE teacher’s training and touch the lives of a thousand children!

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