Wellbeing and Inclusion

Supported by CBM

This project, supported by CBM, is to help foster the social-emotional skills of children using the whole school ecosystemic approach of Quality Circle Time; and to evaluate the SEL skills of children of Grades 6-9, using Sambhav – TTF’s SEL Assessment Tool. Over 50 Govt school teachers from Doddaballapur received training on QCT & ISELF along with 2 rounds of School Based Support.

School Based Support
Fourth Wave Foundation
Fourth Wave Foundation

TTF, in association with the Fourth Wave Foundation, aims to equip 1200 District/Block Resource Persons and Village/Mandal/Urban Resource Workers from 35 districts of Karnataka with the necessary skills and knowledge on inclusive classroom practices. Training sessions are a part of this comprehensive program.


Need more info?
Call us or send an inquiry
+91 95918 24944 +91 98863 78727


Magic! Method! Mastery!

3Ms guide and drive the work that we do at TTF! It’s Magic, Method and Mastery. These 3 words encapsulate the spirit of TTF. As we interact with ever more schools and teachers, we constantly endeavour to keep TTF’s spark alive and glowing – spreading light, insight and warmth.

Support TTF

On average, a teacher teaches at least forty children every year. Over a 25 year career, that is one thousand children. That means, when we enable and inspire ONE teacher, we touch over ONE THOUSAND lives. So contribute to ONE teacher’s training and touch the lives of a thousand children!

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