Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in India


Deconstructing Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in India: A 5 Ws & 1 H approach

The 5Ws and 1H is a popular formula used by journalists for getting the complete story on a subject. Therefore in true journalistic style let’s examine the 5Ws and 1H of Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) – What, Who, Where, When, Why & How.

SEL is the wellspring for helping young people lead a purposeful life. The Teacher Foundation (TTF), after several years of research and exploration in this field has encapsulated the essence of a complex domain of learning, like SEL, in this simple ready reckoner for Indian schools and education professionals.

What is
What is
Who is ISELF meant for?
How does ISELF compare with global SEL frameworks?
How can schools use ISELF?

Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF) and its accompanying Handbook

Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF), stemming from TTF’s nation-wide research study is an age-banded framework for developing social-emotional competencies in Indian children. And the accompanying ISELF Handbook consists of guidelines and SEL resources to support facilitators in using ISELF effectively.

Click here to preview ISELF

Click here to download ISELF and the Handbook


  • After downloading the documents, please ensure you view them in a dual page (facing continuous) format with the even numbered pages appearing on the left. Kindly look at the preview file for reference.
  • For printed copies of ISELF and its Handbook, please mail us at They are available at cost price.
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