Livewire Workshops

Short workshops for contemporary classrooms

The Learner
The Classroom
The Classroom
The Teacher
The Teacher
The Learner
The Classroom
The Classroom
The Teacher
The Teacher
Teaching Practices
Subject Focus
Whole School Wellbeing
Whole School
Teaching Practices
Subject Focus
Whole School Wellbeing
Whole School
The Learner
Understanding Learning
One Day
Positive Behaviour Management
One Day
Understanding Inclusion
One Day
Understanding Disabilities
One Day
The Classroom
Classroom Management
One Day
Learning Spectrum
One Day
Buzzing Classrooms – Beginnings, Middles & Ends
One Day
The Teacher
Teaching as Relationships
One Day
The Positive Teacher
One Day
Communication Skills
Two Days
Time Management
One Day
Teachers as Reflective Practitioners
One Day
Teaching as Relationships
One Day
The Positive Teacher
One Day
Communication Skills
Two Days
Time Management
One Day
Teachers as Reflective Practitioners
One Day
Contemporary Teaching Practices
Teaching for Understanding
One Day
Power of Questioning
One Day
Learning in Groups
One Day
Active Learning
One Day
Dimensions of Learning
Two Days
Assessment for Learning
One Day
Assessment of Learning
One Day
Designing Learning
One Day
Differentiated Learning
One Day
Project-Based Learning
One Days
Critical Thinking in Teaching-Learning
Two Days
National Education Policy – Vision to Action
1.5 Days
Subject Focus
Early Years – Literacy & Numeracy
Two Days
Subject Enrichment Two Days
Language across Subjects
Two Days
Whole School Wellbeing
Whole School Quality Circle Time
Two Days
Orientation to the Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
One Day
Child Safeguarding
2.5 Days
One Day
Happy Teachers for Happy Schools
Need more info?
Call us or send an inquiry
+91 95918 24944 +91 98863 78727


Magic! Method! Mastery!

3Ms guide and drive the work that we do at TTF! It’s Magic, Method and Mastery. These 3 words encapsulate the spirit of TTF. As we interact with ever more schools and teachers, we constantly endeavour to keep TTF’s spark alive and glowing – spreading light, insight and warmth.

Support TTF

On average, a teacher teaches at least forty children every year. Over a 25 year career, that is one thousand children. That means, when we enable and inspire ONE teacher, we touch over ONE THOUSAND lives. So contribute to ONE teacher’s training and touch the lives of a thousand children!

Support TTF