Safe and Sensitive School

Be certified as a Safe and Sensitive School

Create school cultures based on meaningful conversations
and positive interactions amongst all stakeholders.

The Teacher Foundation (TTF) has long been concerned with the nature and language of personal interaction in Indian schools – head teachers with teachers, teachers with students and students amongst themselves. The majority of teacher- student interactions in our schools tend to be authoritarian and/or judgemental. Harshness of tone, insensitivity towards others and a feeling of inadequacy while expressing thoughts, ideas and feelings are commonplace in our schools. Schools need to evolve a system, which fosters the ‘human’ and ‘humane’ side of student growth and development.

The Safe and Sensitive Schools (SASS) programme is a unique tried and tested initiative of The Teacher Foundation, delivered across a period of 18 months. Jenny Mosley’s Whole School Ecosystemic (WSE) model of Quality Circle Time forms the basis of TTF’s SASS initiative.

The programme enables and supports schools to be safe and sensitive, through embedding policies, spaces and interactions that are positive, constructive, nurturing and collaborative for all – students and staff alike. The school will also be enabled to develop a Child Safe-guarding Policy and a Whole School Behavior Policy that is inclusive, positive, caring and consistent for all students and staff.

The Teacher Foundation

How does SASS benefit schools?

SASS brings about an overall positive cultural change in the school, where teachers are confident, classrooms are cheerful, and interactions between people in the school are warm, gentle and positive. Following are the specific ways in which SASS impacts a school:

School Managements and Principals will be enabled to…
  • Encourage open discussions amongst teachers, students and invite feedback
  • Create scheduled time and space for listening to all stakeholders e.g a weekly QCT period, time for one-on-one listening, suggestion box/think books
  • Communicate in a positive, constructive manner with parents
  • Have a common behaviour policy for the entire school with clearly stated rewards and sanctions

Teachers will be enabled to…

  • Observe the Golden Rules towards students and fellow colleagues and parents despite provocation
  • To treat all students and colleagues with fairness, respect and warmth
  • Identify and articulate the positive qualities of every student.
  • Correct the negatives in gentle ways with minimum disruption for others
  • Gather candid feedback from their students that they will use to enhance their teaching practice
  • Regularly communicate with parents in a manner that is positive and constructive.
  • Give rewards or sanctions, as appropriate, in a gentle and assertive manner.
  • Encourage and respond to suggestions, queries and clarifications from parents.
  • Express their ideas with colleagues and plan lessons collaboratively.
  • Set up clear listening systems for all students and parents e.g a weekly QCT period, scheduled Bubble Time, use of suggestion boxes/think books.
Safe and Sensitive School
Students will be enabled

Students will be enabled to…

  • Internalise the values embedded in the Golden Rules
  • Speak freely and confidently to teachers and peers
  • Reflect on their strengths and weaknesses
  • Voice their thoughts and feelings without any sense, threat or embarrassment
  • Take responsibility for their learning and their behaviour.